Called to Care is a team of dedicated, trained volunteer Caregivers. They provide intentional care for people in our church family facing situations such as grief, loss, depression, serious illness, alcoholism, AIDS, parenting issues, or searching for a connection to community resources.
The Called to Care team, which includes the pastor, meets together on a regular basis for support, updates, and continuing education.
Who are the members of Called to Care?
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Part of Called to Care is our Prayer Shawl Ministry. Volunteer knitters create prayer shawls to be given to those in our church family who are facing major life changes.
Each shawl is blessed and is presented with a special prayer.
“I light this candle in the knowledge
that just as there is only one water,
there is only one light,
and the light of this candle and
the light in your heart are the same
and where that light shines is sacred space…
creating sacred space.”