We believe that as stewards, we are called to be a caring people, living in harmony with the environment, respecting and honoring the gifts of God’s creation.
We are exploring ways that we can be in greater harmony with the earth — within our church, in our community, and beyond.
Our Church
We strive to reduce energy use, particularly in our heating and lighting. Our heat pump operates on a programmable thermostat. We are shifting over to energy-efficient lighting where opportunities arise.
The potential for solar panels on our large south-facing roof has been evaluated and found to be very good. We are watching for grants, donations, and other opportunities for funding.
We look for opportunities for people to give rides to each other and carpool to church events.
In cooperation with the County, we installed rain gardens to enhance stormwater retention and absorption. It solved our problems with water accumulation close to the church building, while improving the quality of water flowing into nearby Puget Sound.
We see the possibility of redesigning our landscaping to contribute to summer cooling. We are implementing a landscape plan for the backyard to provide a space that is family-friendly as well as meditative.
Our Community
We share our bounty with our community through the Suquamish Community Kitchen.
We enthusiastically supported the establishment of a Farmers Market in Suquamish.
The Wider World
We use Grounds For Change coffee every Sunday. Grounds For Change is fair-trade, shade-grown coffee. If you use another brand, we encourage you to learn about its effects on people and the earth.
We hold fairs, such as our Holiday Faire, to encourage people to consider the global consequences of their holiday purchases. Every holiday season, we each have an opportunity to give the gift of a more sustainable world.
If you have other ideas, we would love to hear them!
A Prayer
by Bengali poet and musician
Rabindranath Tagore
I ask for a moment’s indulgence
to sit by Your side.
The works that I have in hand
I will finish afterwards.
Away from the sight of Your face
My heart knows no rest or respite,
And my work becomes an endless toil
In a shoreless sea of toil.
Today the summer has come at my window
With its sighs and murmurs,
And the bees are plying their minstrelsy
At the court of the flowering grove.
Now it is time to sit quiet,
Face to face with You,
And to sing dedication of life
In this silent and overflowing leisure.